Redevelopment of balconies within one day
This is possible with our WP-Systems (e.g. System WP1). They consist of fast binding PMMA-products and benefit from fast drying layers. This enables you to redevelop a balcony within one day.

Redevelopment of balconies – fast – decorative – high quality
Balconies supply additional living space – at least during the warm season
The ambience should be as pleasant as possible, the furniture, planting and floor design must meet the highest demands. Living on balconies or terraces is pure life style.
Low connection heights on windows and doors, soil inlets, downspouts and railing supports are problems which need to be solved. Balconies supply additional space and, if possible, walkable and decorative surfaces with a low layer build-up. Reinforced liquid waterproofing systems, suitable for sealing all connections and penetrations, ensure a long-lasting sealing success and preserve the building fabric.